The events of 2020 have forever changed how we work, with tens of millions now working from home and organisations everywhere rethinking how they will work in the future and how they will factor in the sustainable impact of what they do.

Bill and Melinda Gates noted in their 2019 annual letter that “if we’re going to solve climate change, we need to get to near-zero emissions on all the things that drive it — agriculture, electricity, manufacturing, transportation, and buildings. One year on the events of 2020 are sending shock waves through all of our decision making and a new age of consciousness is emerging with a massive impact on demand that is rapidly impacting upon the world of business.

In our own world of digital media, we are seeing that online activities now account for more than a third of our personal energy consumption, so our designers are exploring how to simplify the UX and UI design of websites and apps to help us all to cut the carbon emissions of our online consumption.

In this white paper, we take a look at how businesses in the following sectors have risen to meet the dual challenge of a global pandemic at a time of climate change;

∙ Finance & e-commerce
∙ Property & construction
∙ Fashion, food & retail
∙ Travel & tourism

Key findings

42% of us now make brand decisions based on the origin of the products we buy
50% of us are encouraged by our children to adopt more sustainable behaviours
24x is the size by which the average web page has grown since 2003
40% of worldwide greenhouse gas emissions come from building construction

The new normal is undoubtedly here to stay, so now is the time to ensure your business model is rethought, relevant and responsible enough to thrive in our postpandemic world.

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Wednesday is a great day for new business     
Wednesday is a great day for new business     
Wednesday is a great day for new business